Food Quality Magazine October 2014 | Page 27

Food Quality Magazine ISSUE 02 | AUTUMN 2014 With that said, and as I have said previously, no matter how much policing of Food Fraud is increased domestically, no matter how many audits are done or how many laboratory tests are conducted, the simple fact of the matter is that the volume of food ingredients that come into our countries and that are incorporated into the food we eat from countries that are rife with food fraud, makes it impossible to stop the problem through the methods outlined in the Elliott Report. Consumer awareness, zero-tolerance, laboratory services, audits, government support, leadership and crisis management, 7 of the 8 pillars of food integrity found in Professor Elliott’s report, do not singularly nor collectively address the problem of Food Fraud. Each provides either a way, some more effectively than others, to detect Food Fraud and to deal with Food Fraud once it is So what is the answer? The only way that Food Fraud can be significantly be curbed is with intelligence and customized actions that are based on that intelligence. Horizon scanning and information databases are of limited use when there is limited ability to gather extraterritorial intelligence. 1. Gather reliable intelligence; 2. Take action based on the intelligence gathered. There you have it folks. The answer to the 2000 year old question can be summarized in ten words. Believe it or not, this approach was just as applicable 2000 years ago as it is today. We don’t need PhDs or politicians to tell us this. It’s common sense. Let’s cut to the chase. The bottom line with respect to food fraud prevention rests on the shoulders of the food industry. Those who produce, sell and make the food we eat, are ultimately responsible for what they sell and holding their suppliers accountable. Using the carrot and stick approach, those in the food industry can compel compliance and do the most to prevent food fraud. INSCATECH is the first and only company in the world that is actively taking steps to figure out who, where, when and how Food Fraud is being committed. In other words, it is the only company in the world that gathers reliable intelligence. INSCATECH is also the only company in the world that suggests actions that are based on the intelligence gathered and that halt food fraud. Let me propose a two-step solution to combat food fraud: Mitchell Weinberg is the Founder, President and CEO of INSCATECH. discovered. 27