Food Quality Magazine October 2014 | Page 18

Food Quality Magazine ISSUE 02 | AUTUMN 2014 Table 3: Food Fraud Means by Production Segment Means Affected Commodities Production Segment Grower Transporter Processor Storage Retail Cutting Olive oil, milk, honey and milk chocolate X Adding fillers Milk, rice and milk chocolate Adding sugars Honey X Filtration Olive oil, honey X Chemical treatment to change flavor, texture and appearance Seafood, olive oil, milk, honey, milk chocolate and minced beef X Clouding/clarifying agents Olive oil, honey X X X Disguise speciation Seafood, minced beef, rice X Disguise spoiling Seafood, olive oil, milk and minced beef X X Disguise flora Honey X X X Mislabeling Seafood, olive oil, milk, honey, rice, milk chocolate and minced beef X Relabeling Seafood, olive oil, honey, rice and minced beef X X Disguise chemical or Seafood, olive oil, milk, honey, rice, milk biological content chocolate and minced beef X are the different ways that food fraud can be accomplished and the methods are the specific way the criminal gets the job done, it is not surprising that the methods of actually committing an act of food fraud are highly dependent on the specific commodity you are dealing with and your specific location on the supply chain. Let us look at seafood as an example. In Table 4, below, we see three columns. Column one specifies the type of food commodity, in this case seafood. Column two specifies the various means that can be used by fish fraudsters to commit food fraud including chemical treatment; disguising speciation, spoilage, origin and contamination, and; the mislabeling and re-labeling of seafood. Colum three specifies the methods that must be used by a perpetrator of food fraud for each of the means to commit food fraud. For example, the chemical treatment of seafood X X X X X X X X to change its flavor and appearance necessarily requires the use of coloring and/or flavoring agents. If the means to commit seafood fraud is to disguise speciation then the method to do it is to misrepresent the product by freezing, fileting, processing, use of coloring and/or flavoring agents and or the falsification of labels or outright lying to the consumer at the fish counter. If the means is to disguise spoiling, there are several methods that can Table 4: Food Fraud Methods and Seafood Commodity Means Methods Chemical treatment to change Use of coloring and flavoring agents flavor, texture and appearance Disguise speciation Disguise Spoiling Seafood Misrepresent species by freezing, fileting of fish, processing fish, use of coloring and flavoring agents, falsification of labels and lying Misrepresent freshness by falsifying catch date, freezing, use of coloring and flavoring agents, falsify labels or lying Disguise origin Misrepresent true origin of fish by freezing, fileting of fish, use of coloring or flavoring agents, falsify labels or lying Disguise chemical or biologic [Z\ܙ\