Food Quality Magazine July 2016 | Page 20

Food Quality Magazine
ISSUE 03 | JULY 2016 can also be obtained through product data sheets . A simple but important advice should concern the necessity of purchasing raw materials by evaluated suppliers with the recommended evidence of product data sheets . On the other side , purchased ingredients without these documents should not be used .
Another useful information for the future identification of a product should concern the usage period ( used from … to …) with the aim of making easier and more rapid the traceability of raw materials into the flow of products . This measure may be critical when speaking of possible recall or withdrawal procedures .
The modern EC regulation has redefined and expanded the boundaries of the legal liability ( Nicoletti 2005 ) by means of the food traceability system . Consequently , FBO are forced to accept a corporate liability for the eventual lack of implementation or inadequacy of the compulsory traceability . In addition , FBO are responsible for the breach of rules relating to the control and the analysis of dangers and critical deficiencies in the production and distribution of food .
Moreover , the liability for defective products ( Agnello 2012 ) can be configured under certain conditions due to a non-compliance with food legislation . In any case , this liability comes down from the impossibility to identify the relation between the food failure and the temporal step along the food chain .
Traceability is a primary tool for the protection of EU consumers and their right to health , enabling FBO to respond quickly to food safety and quality incidents . Moreover , this tool may be useful when speaking of food piracy crimes ( Delgado et al . 2016 ; Nicoletti 2005 ) including food fraud ( e . g . intentional adulteration ) and the infringement of industrial property rights .
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