Food Quality Magazine July 2014 | Page 8

Food Quality Magazine ISSUE 01 | SUMMER 2014 Food Industry News BRC Global Standard for Food Safety Version 7 mers followed by food fraud issues from last years (melamine, horse meat, honey, olive oil, methanol, etc.) was predictable. (Source: BRC) After a period of extensive consultation with retailers, food service companies, certification bodies and manufacturers, the new Issue of the BRC Global Standard for Food Safety has been completed. Due for publication in January 2015, the new Standard will be used staring July 2015. There are a number of new requirements on this subject in different areas of the standard. This includes additions to HACCP, availability and review of information, management of suppliers, and the introduction of new chapter “Product authenticity, claims and chain of custody“. Extended was the number of zones the site shall identify, and implement measures accordingly. These are the following zones in the present version: enclosed product area, low risk area, high care area and high risk area. The new version divided high care area into two: ambient high care and high care area. Additionally, A draft of the new version was available for public comments in May 2014. There were a number of changes made comparing to version 6. The introduction of food fraud in the standard based on the increased concerns of the public, media, food produrers and their custo- a non-product area was implemented. As in the version 6, there will be guidelines helping to decide on the areas together with a decision tree. Requirements for metal and/or X-ray detectors seem to be less strict compared to the present version of the standard and re-written to be more close to the other GFSI approved standards. There were also changes, removals and additions in a number of other requirements of the standard. A useful one is requiring to use uncertainty of calibration when evaluating calibration results, which was often forgotten. The grading system will be updated as well as the rules for scope exclusions. Fons Schmid re-elected as chairman of the Board of Stakeholders of FSSC 22000 Acceptable Differences in Nutrition Labelling (Source: FSSC 22000) Fons S