Food & Drink Process & Packaging Issue 7 2016 | Page 7

Your Ideas. Realised Tel: 01234 270770 | Fax: 01234 348803 Product News 'UXP+DQGOLQJ(TXLSPHQW /LIWLQJ 0RYLQJ6ROXWLRQV $Q\'UXP$Q\6SDFH$Q\ZKHUH 0RYH'UXPV)URP $Q\3RVLWLRQ2Q $Q\3DOOHW 5HJXODWLRQ&RPSOLDQW 8.'HVLJQHUVDQG 0DQXIDFWXUHUV see us at Drives & Controls Show stand P216  7HO:HEZZZVWVWUROOH\VFRXN(PDLOVDOHV#VWVWUROOH\VFRXN 52 PECM Issue 19 PECM316.indd 52 NEW Thermometer Kit with Integral Timer simplifies Legionella Water Tests Temperature specialists, TM Electronics (UK) Ltd asked engineers involved in water temperature testing how their job could be made easier. The feedback was unanimous a handheld thermometer with integral timer for one and two minute running times for hot and cold water outlets. TME listened to the comments from the 2015 Healthcare Estates Conference in October and responded quickly. Just one month later the company launched the CLEGK1 Compact Legionella Temp Kit, featuring the new MM2008 Legionella Thermometer with Integral Timer and the BSKS01-S Dual Purpose Temperature Probe – all for the special introductory price of just £120. The MM2008 features 1 minute and 2 minute countdown buttons, making it much easier to use for timing the hot and cold water tests - recommended for Legionnaires’ disease risk assessment, management prevention & testing to ACoP L8. The BSKS01-S has a fully waterproof construction which means it can be used for both running water and pipe surface temperature measurement. Main Features of the CLEGK1 • Waterproof thermometer to IP67 (MM2008) • Integral Countdown Timer on Thermometer Display • Counts down 1 minute (Hot) and 2 minute (Cold) water running times at the touch of a button • Thermometer compatible with all K-Type probes with mini plug • High Accuracy • Wide temperature range • Waterproof dual purpose probe for liquid and surface temperature measurement (BSK01-S) • Thermometer for Life Guarantee Email: [email protected] Product News 26/02/2016 18:36