Flumes Volume 1 Issue 1 | Page 16

"Summer Flutters By"

Kate Scowsmith

In Our Innocence*

By Elizabeth Allen

8th Grade ~ My dad drives me to Church after Annie’s birthday party. The

sun rises warm as the Beatles sing “Julia” in my head, and for this moment in time, everything glows.

Kindergarten ~ In Before School Care, I bring out one of my beanie baby

cats (probably for later on in Show and Tell). Dakota is playing with her, tossing her up and down, up and then down into permanent fuchsia face paint. What doesn’t come out sits in a pretty purple haze above her eye, and I decide I don’t mind.

Before we know it’s a girl ~ I stand in the kitchen with my mom and tell

her that I want a brother so I can help him put on his hat, imagining myself placing a baseball cap on this midget boy’s head.