Flumes Vol. 2 Issue 2 Winter 2017 | Page 120

mature when it happened and been privy to all of the information; you are a woman, and a mother, and that comes with a certain understanding; and finally, you are connected to the board that I teach in. It’s sort of odd to think of now, but for a number of years I even lived near you - amazing how small our world really is. I would like to clarify that I ask nothing of you more than a response of whether I should proceed with contacting her, or if it is best left in the past. I will not make a nuisance of myself and you have nothing to fear from me. Becoming a mother myself unlocked a need and a curiosity in me that, until then, I had vehemently denied, a desire to know and to be known.

I would be most grateful to you if you could write me back and simply offer your guidance. Thank you and happiest of new year to you.

A mere thirty minutes later . . .

Thank you for reaching out to me. I have thought of you many, many times over the last 38 years.

You have asked me for confirmation of your birth. I well remember your birth at the Peterborough Hospital. In fact, I was with you for some of that journey. My mother was also with you.

From reading my biography on the board website, you realize that there have been generations of educators in our family. My mother and grandmother were both dedicated to our profession. They would be so proud of you.

You have asked me to provide you with guidance. I will help you in any way possible. I have contacted your birth mother providing her with your information. Please understand that we need to give her time to digest this news.

This is the best gift ever! Happy New Year to you and your family.

She had been there, at my birth; there was such validation in those few words, “I was with you.”