Florida Fitness Photography April McAdoo feature #60 from Charleston | Page 22

April McAdoo


How do your goals on stage connect with your non-athletic activities?

My inspiration is to not only look good naked but to be walking proof to other women that you can have to body you desire after having children. I struggle with putting on/keeping muscle especially my upper body and not eating my children's snacks.

The most misunderstood aspect of my lifestyle is the importance of keeping my diet and that lifting weights don't make you look like a man..lol I always hear "girl you lost you butt" or "you're so skinny" I just laugh and say I'm not skinny I fit.

Do you use a coach or nutritionist and how has they impacted your journey? redit people close to you or that you look to for inspiration from afar?

My family keeps my on track my stepfather is the closest thing to a coach I have, he use to be a bodybuilder and my mom stays on top of my diet, my boyfriend and big sister are both personal trainers a push me in the gym. My children want to see me win and that's what keeps me motivated.

Top six favorite workout songs?

My top 6 workout songs in no particular order B!&€h better have my money, Otis, Awesome, Flawless remix, Ready, and oh ohh ohhh.

Favorite non-athletic activity?

My favorite thing to do outside of being an athlete is spending time with family and friends whether it's cooking out, relaxing at the lack or playing in the sand at the beach.


I'm 5'9" 135 on stage 145-150 off season

Preferred contact:

[email protected]

Florida Fitness Photography