Flipchart Number 1 Feb 2016 | Page 24

“We all become a bit of a refugee and suddenly the rest of the world offers us new lands, new resources, and we are responsible for certain amount of population, we have to rebuilt our community, we have to buy houses which need to connect to the main industry. This in a time frame of 1 hour and 15 minutes. More than enough time just to buy blocks and houses, but then it gets more complex because suddenly there is a commission of wisdom, created to work on national interest, that is a commission of representatives that decided about the national schools, health centres, the social centres,  firemen..... and suddenly there is so much happening on a side that it’s a bit confusing like in real life. 24 Lots of information, people don’t have time to plan, to react, they are stressed, there is also loud music, everything like in real life — a lot of confusion. “The exercise ends after 1 hour and 15 minutes, the winter starts and then we count the dead people- the people that have no house and they are not connected to the main factory of the country. So far I think that in more than 80% of the exercises we have done, there is lots of dead people, and the interesting thing is that now we know where people will die, almost how much, just because we are not so different from one to another in similar context.