Flex Flex_USA_-_01_02_2018 | Page 81

PAVEL YTHJALL reach a predetermined number of reps , this program is a perfect antidote .


For one week , you ’ ll simply time your sets , and focus on doing controlled , one- to two-second up / two- to three-second down reps for 30 seconds . How many you actually get within that 30 seconds doesn ’ t matter , as long as you keep repping without any major midset pauses and you ’ re choosing a sufficiently heavy weight that you fail right around that 30-second mark . ( Your 10RM weight would be the best option .)
This plan will teach you to crash through that mental barrier of stopping at a preset rep count and will show you exactly what a 30-second set feels like . If your sets are pumped out at 20 seconds or less on average , it ’ ll seem arduous at first , but soon enough you ’ ll adjust . And , by clearing the “ rep counting ” out of your mind , you ’ ll have better ability to focus on the feel and movement of each repetition , along with the muscular