Flex Flex_UK__March_2018 | Page 89

Exercise 5 Standing Kick Backs: Start this exercise with a small-sized resistance band. Intensity of resistance is your choice, but be mindful not to go too heavy as this will activate your lower back. Stand on one end of the band and place the other end around your opposite ankle. Stand against a surface that is not likely to move for support. Do NOT lean forward- keep as upright as possible. Do NOT throw your leg up as high as you can- we really do not want to activate the lower back. Once you are comfortable with this exercise, you will perform each of your 20 reps on each leg with a 2 second hold at the top of the movement. Each kick back should be controlled, precise and with purpose. An Example Annihilation Workout: What you will find happening is that once you have completed a few sessions of stimulation, your glutes will fire much better in the following sample session. Exercises 1&2: Lying Leg Curls (on either a ma- chine or on a bench with a dumbbell between your feet). Super-set this with Romanian deadlifts (with either dumbbells or plates in your hands). Working both ends of the ham- strings- perform the leg curls for 15-20 rhythmical, filling movements. Next, go straight to your Romanian deadlifts, performed with precise, purposeful movements, for 4 sets of 8-10 reps. Your hips are the pivot. Push your pelvis out as far as your body will allow without using your lower back, and then bring it back into a standing position, keeping your glutes active. Exercise 3: Leg Press. Once your legs are warm, start by putting your feet as wide as the foot plate allows on the machine and just a little higher on the foot plate than you would on a normal quad session. You will do 10 reps in this position, then move your feet (without re-racking the machine), closer together, by bringing the feet one foot’s distance closer to one another. Perform another 10 reps in this position. Again, move your feet, one foot’s distance for another 10 reps. Then do one last movement, which should allow your feet to be together for your final 10 reps of the set. You will do four sets in total, with each set starting on a rotation of feet out and working to bring your feet in, and then back out to the outer position where you started. Exercise 4: Choose from Squats, Sumo Squat (Smith Machine or Free Bar or Dumbbell between your legs), Standing Squat machine, V Squat machine or Lunges. Pick one of the above exercises and use a weight that’ll allow you to perform 4 sets of 10-15 reps, with a 5 second static hold in the lowest position. Finish off set 4 with some rhythmical movements to failure. Remember, every time you do this routine, when you get to exercise 4, make sure you choose a different exercise than the one you performed in the last routine. Side Note: Personally, I advise my clients to stay away from traditional barbell glute bridges. Controversial? I don’t think so. You can use a lot of weight on this movement and a heavy barbell across your stomach may not be the best idea for your body. Try the modified version outlined above and you will notice the difference. MARCH 2018 | FLEX 87