Flex Flex_UK__March_2018 | Page 86

Exercise 1 Modified Glute Bridges: Start with a flat bench and take a dumbbell of your choice (ranging from 10-20kg). Sit on the side of the bench and put the dumbbell between your thighs, closer to your knees than your groin. When the dumbbell is secure, take your bottom off the bench and rest on your elbows. Do NOT take your feet too far forwards- ideally feet, knees to hip should be at a 90-degree angle. Now we’re in our starting position. Next, relax your glutes to feel the stretch, then raise your hips, whilst squeezing the dumbbell to hip level. Do NOT lean back- keep your back in an upright position at all times. Once you are comfortable with this exercise, you will perform each of your 20 reps with a 5 second hold at the top of the movement, making sure you are squeezing the dumbbell at all times. 84 FLEX | MARCH 2018