Flex Flex_UK__March_2018 | Page 79

level of fat ratio vs the other macronutrients (proteins and carbohydrates). The therapeutic application requires 90% of daily calories coming from dietary fat and the remaining 10% from a combination of protein and carbohydrates. Bodybuilding “keto” diets popularised by the likes of Dave Palumbo generally fall into the 50 percent of calories from dietary fat range, with proteins being much higher, with the thought pro- cess being that the extra protein would spare lean muscle in a calorie deficit… however, recent research shows that ketones themselves are very protein sparing and this style of diet often doesn’t result in people applying the diet being in a ketotic state or becoming fat adapted due to the protein level being too high. Where the protein level is too high the body converts the excess protein into glucose through a process known as gluconeogenesis. Modified ketogenic diet This leads us to the keto diet style that is now getting the fitness industry and functional health practitioners excited; the modified ketogenic diet. Here the composition of this diet puts the focus back on dietary fat, with 75% of calories coming from fat, 20% percent coming from proteins and just 5% from carbohydrates. These percentages set up the framework for a well-formulated ketogenic diet, however, there is room for customisation once one MARCH 2018 | FLEX 77