Flex Flex_UK__March_2018 | Page 75

26"-*5:."55&34 Do you know what’s in your protein? Despite what’s on the label, chances are, you don’t. Nowadays, protein spiking is more common than ever. Make sure you’re getting what you paid for. The ChromaDex ® Quality Verified Seal, like the one on every bottle of BPI Sports protein, verifies that what’s on the label is what’s in the bottle – nothing less, nothing more. #1*410354$06, p8IFODPNCJOFEXJUIBQSPQFSFYFSDJTFBOEOVUSJUJPOSFHJNFO4UBUFNFOUTCBTFEPOFBSMZTUBHFJOEFQFOEFOUSEQBSUZJOWJWPBOEPSJOWJUSPNPEFMTDJFOUJmDSFTFBSDIEBUBmOEJOHTGPSJOEJWJEVBMJOHSFEJFOUT