Flex Flex_UK__March_2018 | Page 39

How do you structure your food, and what does your meal prep look like? Food plans change all the time for me. So, when I’m dieting for a show the carbs slowly drop off over the weeks. When I’m bulking up in the off-season, I just make sure I’m getting in as much food as possible, and not eating as clean all the time. When I have guest appearances, like my recent trip to India for example, I keep my diet clean whilst still ensuring I’m consuming enough calories to maintain my size. What does your training schedule look like? My training schedule also changes a lot. I always work on my weak body parts first and most frequently. Right now, I’m not training arms, I’m doing legs and back twice a week to increase development in those areas. How do you balance your work life when you’re tired, drained and in the last stages of your diet…any advice for others? Obviously, I need to work enough to pay the bills and when it gets to the last stages of the diet and you’re feeling really drained, you just have to keep going and push through the barrier. When you feel like giving up because you have already done 8 t