Flex Flex_UK__March_2018 | Page 33

TRICEPS EXERCISE SETS REPS Cable Pushdown 4 12-15 Cable Pushdown 3 (dropsets) 20–25 Body-weight Dip 3 Max Overhead Cable Extension 3 (dropsets) 20–25 NOTES: Extend through the elbow and minimize shoulder movement to further isolate the triceps. Use a full range of motion to ensure all three heads of the triceps are worked. In Week 2 the rep ranges increase to moderate, while the working set number decreases slightly. Finally, in Week 3 the number of working sets are reduced further, yet the overall intensity goes up significantly for each working set due to the high rep ranges. This formation means that the CNS is afforded the time needed to recover and adapt. If there is no periodization in place, the CNS will quickly become overfatigued, leading to reduced muscle performance and plateaus. It’s fundamental that when applying the high rep ranges in Week 3 that there is acute intensity! This acts as compen sation for the reduction in overall training volume during this week. As such, the muscle fibers and CNS are stimulated to their maximal capacity without falling into a negative environment in which a potential state of “over training” can set in. With this level of intensity comes high-threshold motor unit recruitment, leading to global muscle fiber stimulation. MARCH 2018 | FLEX 31