Flex Flex_UK__March_2018 | Page 30

“Hell week” is another perfect description of Y3T (Yoda 3 Training), especially when we’re talking about Week 3, which has gained an infamous reputation because of the high-rep brutality deployed for total muscle annihilation. This is not just for “effect” though—high-rep training within the Y3T cycle is an immensely potent hypertrophy tool that can transform a stubborn muscle group into one that turns heads. In this bonus FLEX feature, I’m going to explain the fundamentals of Week 3 of Y3T and how it can help you achieve the best results of your life. There’s also a full Week 3 programme to experience for yourself. Brace yourself, s--- is about to get serious. 28 FLEX | MARCH 2018 WHY DO HIGH REPS? There’s both mechanical and systematic stress taking place when your body endures high- rep training. Muscle fibres are exposed to new rep ranges that carry a bias toward sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, predominately targeting type I slow-twitch muscle fibres. As a result, there is an uplift in “cell swelling,” which correlates with an increase in sarcoplasmic fluid within the muscle cell. Another noticeable hypertrophy-supporting by-product of high-rep training is a significant increase in blood flow into the muscle. The sheath that envelops the muscle, known as the fascia, becomes more elastic over time, equating to more room for growth within the area. With increased blood flow also comes better nutrient transportation and assimilation, both of which can support recovery and growth. Many muscle groups don’t expand to their fullest potential until they’re exposed to high-rep training. This is often due to the fact the slow-twitch fibres have not been stimulated adequately. Many clients of mine report significant increases Y3T has become synonymous with adjectives pertaining to extreme intensity.