Flex Flex_UK__March_2018 | Page 124

One study showed that over a 6-day period of sodium restriction, aldosterone levels tripled. Aldos- terone plays a key role in maintaining fluid balance by assisting in the re-absorption/retention of both water and sodium. If we think about the menstrual cycle and water retained through that – this is the same hormone controlling it. it in the final 24-48 hours before the show. But if you get it wrong, disaster can strike physique wise. At the beginning of the trial, aldosterone sat at 10.4ng/100ml. 2) Amateurs using prescription-based diuretics. At the local level (qualifiers), chances are that just turning up in ‘real’ condition will most likely be enough to nail a top three position. There’s a reason many of the top guys in the sport are now also coming away from using prescription-based diuretics. Most just take these drugs, not knowing the mechanism of action behind them. Or that there are different classes of them; loop diuretics, potassium sparing, thyazide etc. One day into the sodium restriction it went to 11.7ng/100ml (nothing too crazy). At 6 days in, it rose to 37ng/ml! Not only is it illogical from a water manipulation standpoint (the whole reason for doing so), it’s also pretty dumb as we need sodium for certain glucose transporters to work as well as to aid in muscle contraction. You know, the thing we do day in, day out in the gym? There can definitely be a case made for manipulating How? Sodium is CRITICAL for blood volume. As soon as that drops, kiss goodbye to getting that pump you’re chasing backstage. In ascending order of issues, the following can happen: The Good: You nail the timing and dose, and you coming looking sharper (rare). The Bad: You flatten out completely, struggle to get a pump, possible cramping and end up looking worse/ smooth on stage (most common outcome). The Ugly: Can be lethal. Both low sodium (hyponatremia) and high potassium (hyperkalemia) are possible outcomes of misusing prescription-based diuretics. You’re probably familiar with the marathon runners that we occasionally hear about dying via ‘over hydration’. What typically happens here is they drink so much water they completely flush out their mineral balance, and in particular sodium. Also, consider that of the three chemicals used in the lethal injection, potassium is the one that actually stops the heart and is ultimately fatal. The other two chemicals are used to sedate the person and cause paralysis to the muscles. If throughout your prep you’ve managed to work out that you’re prone to water retention (and you’re 100% sure it’s not still just body fat that needs to come off, which is more than likely the case), then using an herbal diuretic such as ProjectAD’s H20 Remoove can be a good alternative at increasing the rate of diuresis, without the potential side effects of the much more potent prescription drugs. The three candidates we’d suggest could benefit from using this product are: • Females competing around their menstrual cycle • Heavily stressed out individuals (cortisol binds to the same receptor as aldosterone) 122 FLEX | MARCH 2018