Flex Flex_UK__March_2018 | Page 122

Sure, we could let it go and let everyone carry on doing their thing. But after constantly having competi- tors send us over their ‘peak’ week plans that just make very little sense, eventually a tipping point is reached. The first thing we want to preface is: We all do things differently. This means that we don’t expect you to follow our advice blindly, or that we’re an absolute authority. But what we can say is that everything we give to our athletes has reasoning behind it – and is to the best of our knowledge at that current time. Girls: You need to remember that, unless you compete in women’s physique or bodybuilding, your goal isn’t to look ‘dry’, ‘shredded’ and ‘vascular’. If you’re a bikini or figure girl, your goal is to come in looking lean, full and healthy. These two categories are supposedly the most ‘marketable’, and the ones that draw other females into the sport due to the ‘attainable’ condition required. Therefore, the aim of the game is not to be stood on stage looking drawn and stringy while suffering from cramping and dehydration. Guys: Your goal IS to look dry, shredded and vascu- lar. Now, providing you’ve worked your ass off and given yourself long enough of a prep, you should already be looking like this! The question is: If you are looking ‘on point’ 120 FLEX | MARCH 2018 in that final week prior to the show, why would you risk going to the extremes to try and improve by 5% knowing that if you mess up, you’re going to look 50% worse? Aside from filling out a little, most people should be able to just cruise into that last week. The Three Biggest Peak Week Mistakes Competitors Make In a system as complex as the human, there are very few times you can speak in absolutes. But when it comes to some of the insanity we see in some peak weeks, it’s fair to say the f