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the only route to achieving a great physique. What he did not realise at the time was that there were alternatives available that were quick to prepare, and just as effec- tive, as the results showed. There are two key areas where the K.I.S Diet excels: 1. Prep time – Very few people have time to prepare green beans and broccoli etc. All sorts of things get in the way, with studying, work, family and other issues. Buying foods like frozen veg can save you a lot of time. You simply boil or microwave it for a minimum amount of time, and it’s ready. 2. The economic factor – Be realistic and honest with yourself, do you have the funds available to buy fresh or organic foods? If you do, then that’s great. But, the likelihood, as with most people, is that you don’t have the funds to do so. The K.I.S. Diet will certainly benefit you here. 3. Buy a good quality protein powder - I have found that having a Finally, what you must remember is that the K.I.S. Diet, fundamentally, is an idea. An idea that is economical with time and with money. Remem- ber, time and money will always be an issue in most of our lives, so it is important that you are honest and realistic with yourselves. But, that does not mean you cannot achieve your dream physique. The K.I.S Diet may sound like a basic guideline or compromise, but I can assure you this is not the case and that it is actually an incredibly powerful tool that can help yield great results. If you incorporate the K.I.S Diet into your life and have absolute convic- tion in it, I’m certain you’ll soon agree. “Train Hard & Smart.” Bobby Klassik Khan 116 FLEX | MARCH 2018 good quality protein powder will go a long way in helping you achieve your dream physique. As the great Arnold Schwarzenegger says, “It can be done without supplementation but it’s not very practical.” We are spoilt for choice with the great quality supplementation available to us in this day and age.