Flex Flex_UK__March_2018 | Page 116





n a world of information overload , it can be confusing and daunting to even begin to talk about your diet . But I ’ m going to give you some timeless advice . It is advice I applied first to myself , and what I ’ d like to now introduce to you too .
I call it : the ’ Keep it Simple ’ method ( K . I . S ). This is not just for the beginning of your fitness journey , but also the middle and right up until the end .
One of the most essential contributors to the physique I have built , is food and supplementation . The more quality food and supplementation you put into your body , the closer you will get to achieving your goals . This has most certainly been the case with me . However , I would like to touch upon this idea of quality foods . As an experienced personal trainer and athlete , individuals who have an incredible drive often approach me seeking advice on how to achieve their dream physique , but have limited knowledge on food and supplementation .
As an example , I always analyse the financial situation of the person I ’ m trying to help , and from that information I advise them on what foods they should be looking to buy . Increasingly , a pattern has emerged where the financial cost of achieving the dream physique has become a very influential factor .
In these circumstances , I always advise the Keep It Simple – K . I . S . Diet . If you are on a tight budget , it ’ s important to have a plan in place . Food and great quality supplementation is vital to developing and maintaining your physique . But , with regards to food , if you cannot afford to buy fresh or organic , don ’ t worry , there are plenty of alternatives :
K . I . S Diet :
Frozen Vegetables : Green Beans or Broccoli . Frozen Fruit : Blueberries or Strawberries . Tinned : Salmon or Tuna . Basic Supermarket Brands : Potatoes / Pasta / Rice / Oats / Wholemeal bread .
As an example , someone felt when I first started to train him , that eating fresh and organic foods was
114 FLEX | MARCH 2018