Flex Flex UK - January 2018 | Page 51

them. Tonight I’m here to chop their damn heads off. I’m trying not to sound too cocky, but they don’t have what I have. They just don’t. And their fans or whatever need to realize that their favourite person didn’t come in. They looked really good. They’re just not me. They just weren’t as good. 5 That’s how it is. If everyone runs a 100-metre dash at their fastest, Usain Bolt is still going to break the world record, no matter what they do.” Only the top 10 Mr. Olympia competitors performed their posing routines in what was a refreshingly fast-paced show. In the past, the second of the Mr. Olympia’s inner circles, after the top 10 and before the top three, was the top six—the posedown spots. (The last couple of years there has been a 10-man posedown, which, with around 2,500 pounds of beef, was crowded.) Now that second circle is the top five. Only its members earn qualifications for the next Olympia, and this year only they flexed in the posedown. Sixth on Friday, Rhoden overtook Winklaar on Saturday for that valuable fifth spot. Dexter Jackson scored straight fourths for his 12th Olympia top four finish—yet another record for the Blade. SHAWN RHODEN JANUARY 2018 | FLEX 49