Flex Flex UK - January 2018 | Page 26

1ST SET WEIDER ATHLETES WEIGH IN YOU HAVEN’T COMPETED ON STAGE IN 2017. WHEN WILL YOU BE BACK? IS THERE A STRATEGY IN PLAY? STEVE KUCLO ASK THE ATHLETES 24 FLEX | JANUARY 2018 Have a question for our Weider athletes? Ask it on the FLEX Facebook page for a chance to see it here. Build, build, build—that’s the play! Build my body, build my business, and build my family! So much went into this year that I can’t believe it’s almost over. It feels like we should still be in January. I was talking with my training partner George early in the year, and we both agreed we needed some time to make some changes and not rush getting back on stage without being ready. Around late May, after the Kuclo Classic, we decided to take the rest of this year off and focus on the 2018 season—hitting the Arnold in Ohio to start the year. In April my wife, Amanda [Latona], and I appeared on ABC’s Shark Tank for the company we built in our house—that company is still in its infant stages and needs a lot of time and attention, and that is what our 8–to-5 job is every day. My wife and I decided that we also wanted to start a family and work on having a baby. Dieting for shows and not having your hormones in an optimal baby- making state isn’t the best for baby making, so the downtime we have right now we are diligently working at having a baby.