Flex F_UK_2018 | Seite 60

FOOD & SUPPS fat, and over time your body will leach calcium and alkaline stores for the bones, in a desperate attempt to restore pH. levels. This is why some people shrink when they get older. KEEPING A CHECK ON YOUR pH LEVELS. Urine pH test. I do this every day to keep a check on how efficient my body is at getting acid out my body. Urine shows a pretty accurate picture of the body’s chemistry. The kidneys filter out the buffer salts of pH. regulation and provide values based on what the body is eliminating. Urine pH. can vary from 4.5-9.0 in extreme cases, but ideal is between 6-7, healthy functions should range about 6-6.5 in the morning 6.5-7 by the night time. Although the urine pH. is not that accurate if done on a regular basis, it will give you a good idea when you are consuming to acidic foods or not enough alkalising foods. So, yes food does have an impact on your blood pH. levels, put your 58 FLEX | FEBRUARY 2018 body in an acidic state for too long and your body will use up all its resources to maintain a perfect state, when you alkalising minerals are depleted, that’s when your body can start to fall into acidosis. So, this is all of that into simple terms. If you Put a gold fish in a tank of dirty water with low oxygen and don’t feed it all it needs, then that fish will get very sick or die, give it all the Medicine in the world and it will stay sick until you change its environment. However, put it in clean water, feed it the nutrients it needs to heal itself and the fish will get better. Here’s a few good foods to help boost your pH. levels Broccoli Asparagus Green beans Kale Spinach Cabbage Sweet potato Cauliflower Carrot Celery Cucumber Lettuce Garlic Lemon Beans Avocado Grapefruit Seeds Here are foods that are acidic Meats Fish Dairy Nuts Hi in fructose fruits REMEMBER Don’t avoid these foods, it’s all about balancing the more acidic foods you eat with the more alkalising foods you should eat, to balance the pH. levels out. Bodybuilders diets contain a lot of meats so it’s simply more important for them to consume a lot more greens. FOODS TO AVOID Sauces Sugar Sweeteners Alcohol Caffeine These foods have no health benefits but many health risks when consumed in excessive amounts.