Flex F_UK_2018 | Page 59

KEEPING A PERFECT pH. LEVEL FOR HEALTH AND BODY RECOVERY A S I’VE GOTTEN older, I’ve become a lot more health conscious. The two most important things in life to me are my time and my health. I’ve become obsessed with my pH. levels, I’m convinced that keeping your body in the perfect pH. state is the key to staying healthy. pH. is the chart from 1-14, 1 being extremely acidic and 14 being very alkaline, our perfect pH. is slightly alkaline at 7.365. It’s pretty impossible to stay at 7.365 all the time with our life styles. When we train hard lactic acid seeps into the blood, when we stress the body releases cortisol and ammonium, when we eat sugar and meats our body releases massive amounts of stomach acid, all of these things put your body into an acidic state. Your body will constantly fight to keep you at the right balance so it’s very important to do all you can to give your body what it needs to keep in an alkaline state. HERE’S HOW IT ALL WORKS. The pH. (potential of hydration) Is a measure of the acidity to the alkalinity of a solution, the ratio between positively formed irons (acid forming) and negatively formed irons (alkaline-forming). The higher the reading the more alkaline and oxygenated the solution is, the lower the reading the more By acidic and oxygen DEAN deprived it is. LESIAK Perfect blood pH. is 7.365, much below or above this and you’ll develop symptoms and diseases. If blood pH. moves below 6.8 or above 7.8, cells stop functioning and the body dies. Your body consistency fights to keep your pH. at 7.365, when you continue to compromise the balance then problems occur. A diet high in acidic food puts constant pressure on your body’s regulating system to maintain pH. naturally. The extra stresses this puts on your body can lead to depleted alkaline minerals like sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium. Minerals are then taken from vital organs and bones to neutralize acid and remove it from the body. Research has shown your body cannot heal itself, if your body is not in a slightly alkaline state, no matter what medicine you take, your body won’t get better until your pH. balance is correct. The pH. Effects Everything pH. effects everything, acidosis will decrease your body’s ability to absorb minerals and other nutrients. This then decreases the production of cells and decreases the ability to repair damaged cells. It will then decrease the ability to detoxify heavy metals and then gives a perfect environment for tumour cells to thrive. Toxic overload, extreme stress and acidic diets lead your body to having a mineral deficiency which can all help towards putting your body into an acidosis state. Your body will compensate acidic pH. levels by using alkaline minerals. If your diet doesn’t contain enough of these minerals, then you get a buildup of acid in the cells which leads to acidosis. Stored acid in fat cells will make it very hard to lose FEBRUARY 2018 | FLEX 57