Flex F_UK_2018 | страница 56

FOOD & SUPPS HORMONE OPTIMISATION: THE ROLE OF INSULIN & CARBOHYDRATES AS MUCH AS THIS MAY BE a mental break…Particularly for competitive athletes, this can have a suppressive effect on our immune function, lower testosterone, and lower insulin sensitivity this is not to say we cannot enjoy ourselves. So how do we bring our hormones back on line and what has actually occurred during a time of over indulgence. Insulin is an anabolic hormone that helps us store energy in muscle, the liver, or fat cells. The term nutrient partitioning really describes the action of where we store this energy. What, when and how we eat has a great influence on this and so does our genetics. As bodybuilders, we want to drive as much of our nutrient energy into our muscles and liver to be stored effectively for use later when we are training hard in the gym. For optimum nutrient partitioning we want to be as sensitive to insulin as possible. The sensitivity means we produce less insulin from the pancreas, and that insulin is in effect more potent. Less is needed to do the same job so not over working the pancreas. This results in energy being more readily stored as glycogen in our liver & muscles not our fat cells or giving us high blood sugar levels. 54 FLEX | FEBRUARY 2018 BY JOHN BUCKLAND Bsc HONS SPORT SCIENCE, PHYSIOLOGY & NUTRITION JEFFREYRASMUSSEN, THE LIKELIHOOD OF US OVER INDULGING WITH STRESS AND GENERAL LIFE IS QUITE HIGH, AND HAVING A BREAK OR RELAXING OUR EATING HABITS IS PSYCHOLOGICALLY BENEFICIAL, WATCHING EVERYTHING WE PUT IN OUR DIGESTIVE SYSTEM CAN BE DEMANDING. Damaging Insulin Sensitivity Sugary foods damage our insulin sensitivity, these are the highly glycaemic foods that spike our blood sugar level and cause us to produce huge amounts of insulin. Our cells quickly become insensitive or blind to insulin so we produce more, this also causes storage of nutrient energy in our fat cells. The more we do this, the more we condition our bodies become to store energy in fat, when these cells are full we make new fat cells which is an enzymatic pathway for converting dietary carbohydrate into fat, or de novo lipogenesis* and as a side note, the capacity to convert fats into carbohydrates does not exist. As you can now see the more sugary the food and the larger the quantity the more likely we are to store fat and ruin our nutrient