Flex F_UK_2018 | Page 3

MUSCLE BUILDING Muscle tissue is made of protein, and protein is made up of amino acids. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that muscle growth is essentially just the process of combining amino acids. However, BCAAs take their role in muscle building one step further. Research has shown that BCAAs, and particularly leucine, increase muscle growth by directly stimulating muscle protein synthesis. Leucine acts almost like a key that signals the body to begin stringing amino acids together to create muscle protein. Therefore, supplementing with BCAAs can help boost your efforts in the gym and help you see results. If your goal is to build muscle, take BCAAs during and/or after your workout. * † CA A s ent with B dule : m le p p u s , benefits ing sche all of these end the following tim f o e g ta n va m To take ad t the day. We recom u o h g u thro OU T K OR Take Best BCAA ™ w/ Energy to provide energy for your muscles and support performance.* Take Best BCAA Shredded ™ before your fasted cardio to prevent muscle loss.* Take Best BCAA ™ during or after your workout to support lean muscle growth and optimize recovery.*