Flex F_UK_2018_April | Page 27

THE LET’S GET NASTY SESSION SUNDAY - CHEST & BICEPS WEDNESDAY - SHOULDERS Incline press x 4 sets, Seated press x 4 sets Slight incline dumbbell flyes x 3 sets, Heavy ass shrugs x 3 sets Finish off with flat or decline press x 2 sets, Rear delts x 3 sets 1x drop set, all working sets taken to failure and beyond Dumbbell lateral raises, super set with upright rowing x 3 sets Seated dumbbell curls- 3 sets, Tricep pushdowns x 4 sets EZ curls- 3 sets Nasty curls or cable curls to finish- 2 sets EZ or seated triceps extensions (skull crushers) (The NASTY curl: Rope pushdowns, super set with dips x 2 sets A full curl movement, followed by a half curl movement, leaning forward and curling the bar up until your forearm hits your bicep, then you squeeze for 2 seconds and repeat. REPEAT THIS UNTIL FAILURE) MONDAY - BACK Lat pull downs (1 week wide and 1 week close) x 4 sets FRIDAY - LEGS Calf raises using leg press x 4 sets Standing calf raises x 2 sets Lying hamstring curls x 4 sets (last set being a drop set) Seated hammer hamstring curls x 2 sets Seated palm up grip hammer rows × 3 sets Leg extensions x 4 sets (last set being a drop set) Single arm hammer rows x 3 sets Leg press x 4 sets Pullover x 3 sets Hack/hammer squat x 3 sets Deadlifts (not touching the floor) APRIL 2018 | FLEX 25