Flex F_UK_2018_April | Page 130

tion , through our individual active range of movement , causing the weights to move with a speed ( cadence ) such that it is under control throughout each rep of each set , only then can we recruit all the muscle fibre types .
If the weight is lifted rapidly and in effect thrown rather that lifted the muscle / s in question will not be under load or tension for the entire repetition . This causes flat spots of none or minimal tension or recruitment of muscle fibres in parts of the lift . During this type of execution or lifting … the muscle is then not taxed sufficiently to create a hypertrophic effect in all the muscle fibres .
So no bouncing , jerking or throwing the weight , as all you do is undo your size gains . If you are worried about performing reps slowly , think of it this way . An athlete that can bench 200kgs slowly under muscular control , can move 60kgs very quickly over a long distance … which is called throwing . So properly strengthening muscle can lead to performance improvement too .
The Most Dangerous rep This occurs when the muscle is fresh and at full ability as you see in
a warm up . Lifting light weights rapidly is dangerous . The muscles are not warmed up , they can produce high force rapidly , but are not pliable , increasing the likelihood of tears , over extension of joints , tendon and ligament damage .
Instead , warm up slowly with lighter weights , be deliberate in the movement pattern , be disciplined and focus on the mind muscle contraction . As you progress in weight begin to increase the speed of each rep in each set . As the weight increases and fatigue sets in , attempt to move your heaviest weight as fast as possible . But now due to that fatigue , and high weight you are now using , it will still only move slowly . Warming up this way will activate all types of muscle fibres more readily , allow you to create the mind – muscle connection and enable your central nervous system to become familiar in producing tension throughout the movement range . When you use focussed intention to produce a contraction , the ability to cause tension within the muscle is greater . As you warm up in this fashion you earn the right to use a heavier weight . Earning the right to use a heavy weight comes from your ability to successfully control the weight in the previous set in both the concentric and eccentric phases . Earning the right to use heavier loads does not come from throwing the weight and using large amounts of momentum .
As a tale to explain the removing of momentum concept I shall tell you of another experienced bodybuilder who asked to jump in on my leg press sets . I explained that I had only one set left and I ’ d be just couple of minutes , he exclaimed , “ You only have 7 x 20kg plates on each side ! I can do more than that ,” he went on to boast .
I invited him to do a set “ I said I ’ d be two minutes ,” which now meant he would follow me by doing a leg press . 10 seconds down , 10 seconds up for a solid two minutes . He managed just over 60 seconds , before he racked the weight and stumbled to the toilet to be sick ! “ A great first set ,” I shouted as he was throwing up .
So reduce momentum in the execution of your reps , use mechanical muscular work , get your mind - muscle connection on point and activate muscle . Use mental imagery , instead of thinking about lifting weight , think more about muscle shortening and lengthening . The weight will move as a consequence of muscle action . Perform at least two sets to momentary muscular failure of each exercise .
And lastly enjoy your newfound muscle gain !
128 FLEX | APRIL 2018