Flex 2018-03-01 Flex Magazine | Page 93

BEST BRACHIALIS BUILDER DUMBBELL HAMMER CURL KNEE-JERK REACTION “Doing hammers looks cool, so I’m in.” OUR EXPERTS’ TAKE “Hammer curls should be in every man’s repertoire, as they’re great overall arm-mass builders,” says Dan Roberts, C.S.C.S., founder of a heavier weight in the half positions versus what you can do through the full range of motion,” Farmer points out. HOW TO DO IT Q This is done the same as the standing barbell curl, except you’ll manipulate the range of motion every seven reps. the Dan Roberts Group in London. “They put great emphasis on the brachialis muscles that run under the biceps brachii—particularly when doing them cross-body at a 45-degree angle.” HOW TO DO IT Q Stand with feet at shoulder width, holding a dumbbell in each hand with a neutral grip, palms facing your sides. Q Bend the elbow of one arm to curl the dumbbell up and across your body while keeping wrist in the neutral position. Q Squeeze hard when you reach full elbow flexion, then lower under control and repeat with the other arm. Q “The first seven reps are performed starting at top of a finished curl position and lowering until the elbow reaches 90 degrees,” Farmer instructs. “The second seven start from a hanging extended arm position [the bottom of the rep)], and you raise the bar up to the halfway point where the elbows are 90 degrees. The last seven reps are a full-range, traditional biceps curl.” KEY POINTERS “Keep your core tight throughout, and avoid initiating the upward movement of the KEY POINTERS “The trick to having perfect technique is to always ‘squeeze’ up, not swing up,” Roberts says. “Also, don’t let the hips and shoulders turn into the move. As with all biceps moves, the biggest mistake is lifting too heavy and doing reps too quickly. A 2-1-2 tempo is best.” That means two seconds up, a one-second pause, and another two seconds for the downward motion. INTENSIFY IT Introduce an isometric element by holding the nonworking hand in the “up” instead of the “down” position— so as you alternate, each rep begins with an eccentric action before the positive contraction. barbell by using your lower back and hips to generate momentum,” she says. INTENSIFY IT When you get to the full-rep portion of the set, switch to a weight that will elicit failure within seven reps, with partner assistance to reach seven if needed. FLEXONLINE.COM 91