Fledglings (2014 - 2015) | Page 16

Undying Crisis Alyanna Rosario R. Alcoran What was supposed to shield us from the forces of our enemy is now disintegrated into dust. The enemy is attacking at a continuous pace, and we are destroying the earth at the same speed. Why must we destroy the place we call home? We were made us for a reason. We were made to look after His creations, but instead, we are doing the opposite of what we must be doing. Can we still do something about it? Human activities have created a large hole in the world's armor. We seem to be moving carelessly; perhaps not thinking of the consequences to be dealt with after the turbulence. One of the sources we usually destroy is energy. We don't conserve energy resources. And although some care about restoring our resources, many of us still roam the earth in our ozonedepleting cars. What are the different sources of energy that fuel our appliances? First are the conventional sources of energy. These are commonly known as the nonrenewable sources. These are sources that can't be replaced or restored. Coal, oil, and natural gas are considered to be nonrenewable. Second are the nonconventional sources of energy or the alternative ones. From the word itself, it can be replenished or restored. Examples of these are solar, hydroelectric, biomass, wind, geothermal, and nuclear energies. How can we conserve energy? We should develop the usage of the alternative sources of energy. As mentioned above, we should save the conventional ones and start using the nonconventional. Secondly, we should be energyefficient. One way to be one is to unplug the appliances and devices when not in use. Also, we should avoid unnecessary wastes of energy; Use a basin when washing dishes, a cup when brushing teeth, and a pail and a dipper when taking a bath. In addition, we should take responsibility. Reducing the use of plastics can go a long way. Using recyclables such as paper bags and the like will get us farther on track to being greener. Human beings carry a big obligation in caring for Mother Nature. The only way to do this is to discipline ourselves. With discipline, we can contribute in conserving energy and stop this global crisis. We should not wait until tomorrow to start this action. It is now or never.