Flashmag Digizine Edition Issue 69 May 2017 | Page 11


Until 2016, it is estimated that conflicts in the Great Lakes region continue to produce an average of one thousand deaths per day, so even the most discerning analysts believe that, the depopulation pattern of the region rich in mineral resources, Is not at all absurd. The memo (National Security Study Memorandum 200) submitted to the Nixon administration in 1970 by the US National Security Council led by Henry Kissinger made it clear that populations such as those living above geological scandal as the Congo, eventually would be a threat to their exploitation by the Western powers, including the United States. From what it emerges, one soon realizes what are the origins, of the tragedy in the great lakes.

Consequently, measures aimed at population reduction in underdeveloped countries, producing mineral resources had been advocated by the Nixon administration, which launched an extensive family planning program in Africa under the impetus of eugenists such as Margaret Higgins Sanger, who had a profound disdain for the black population, to believe in her sympathy to save the latter from a demographic disaster. Wars in Africa and in the Middle East, regions overabundant in mineral resources, should no longer suffer from their illogical, or strictly intangible and religious sense.

People living in areas rich in mineral resources are an obstacle to the exploitation of these latter by the Western powers.

During the conflict in the Persian Gulf in 1991, the British news agency ITV reported one of the first known cases of subliminal weapon use, during an armed conflict. The Iraqi army undertook to destroy a radio station located in the deserted city of Al-Khafji located 12 kilometers south of the Kuwaiti border. The radio channel was destroyed not merely because it broadcasted programs that tended to demoralize the troops in the "Tokyo Rose" genre, of the Second World War, but above all because, according to ITV, the true mission of the station was to disseminate "the new type of high-tech subliminal messages, referred to as" silent sound "or ultra-high frequency" silent subliminal".

". Although totally silent for the human ear, the negative messages combined with the bands of programs, designed by Psi Ops specialists were clearly perceived by the subconscious of the Iraqi soldiers, and these silent messages demoralized them completely, Instilling a permanent feeling of fear in their minds. It is important to recall here that, subliminal messages can be transmitted without bombarding individuals with electromagnetic radiations, by simply stimulating them by means of images or verbal messages camouflaged in the middle of other medias, which can be identified only by the unconscious. Subliminal messages are used in the world of advertising, music and film to convince consumers to buy products or adopt a certain behavior.

Nowadays there is very little doubt, about the existence of crowd control systems using radio frequencies. The development of this type of equipment would complement, well-known acoustic and infrared weapons, and were published in the British Defense Catalog until 1983