Flashmag Digizine Edition Issue 98 October 2019 | Page 16


Flashmag October 2019 www.flashmag.net

federal government. AI, according to these researchers, can still lead to discrimination, according to programmed biases.

In short, it is euphemistic to say that technology is essential to any economic development. Business, but more importantly, innovation and technological change are essential to productivity and economic growth. And migratory flows, even if they are not popular in political debates, undeniably influence the economic fabric of the nations that benefit from a massive immigration, when at the same time it attenuates the sufferings of the countries of the southern hemisphere by the transfers of funds and technology by immigrants towards their country of origin. However, brain drain from the South to the North has never been so disguised by misguided policy debates. And it is right that some believe that repressive policies on immigration, without an implementation of fair trade policies, are a simple escalation to the debasement of migrants, who are forced to leave their country of origin, because of the impoverishment caused by the over-exploitation of their biotope by the Western powers or unfair wars imposed on them by the same agents of warlike capitalism.

Hubert Marlin – Journalist

Sources: European technologies for immigration control Towards an electronic management of "people at risk" Ayse Ceyhan

Technology, migration and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Stephen Gelb and Aarti Krishnan