Flashmag Digizine Edition Issue 76 December 2017 | Page 34


Flashmag December 2017 www.flashmag.net

The teenage girls who are their groupies follow without thinking much, these sartorial tendencies. No wonder, some columnists of the worldly life admit allegorically that the starsundress themselves while dressing.

If the fairer sex always tries to bet in the sexualization of her appearance to please, the male is not unscathed, with this fashion where he shows with patter his underwear, the pants worn just above the knees to highlight the rear train.

The phenomenon of fashion can take perverse turns when it is found that the precocity of the targets becomes legion, pre-adolescent, aged between 8 and 12 years have become a real target. The tragedy of Jon Benet Ramsey in the United States is there, to better warn us against the early sexualization of the girl. Sounding the alarm over 10 years ago Pierrette Bouchard, Professor of Social Sciences on the Status of Women at the University of Laval in Canada, stated: "We are witnessing a return to force of sexual stereotypes and the affirmation of the personality based solely on appearances, and all this takes place in the general indifference. The early sexualization of girls from 8 to 12, turns children into sexed little women. The difference between the clothes intended for these girls and those of their older 18-year-old sisters is often about the size, while boys aged 8 to 12 continue to play games related to their age.

. “The social differentiation of gender is considered normal, judging by the lack of reactions in the population, "said the researcher. According to the same studies, the early sexualization of girls is linked to a logic of market segmentation, worth more than $ 170 billion a year in the United States alone. To capture this market, companies compete for a younger and younger clientele. And all the blows are allowed including the Neuro Marketing which consists of creating the desire and the need in the consumer by sending subliminal messages by advertising. This is no less serious when considering the youth and vulnerability of the targeted population. The intention of these fashion advertising campaigns, relayed by the media is to create

The pressure of youths environments and school does not help things. This is why a gradual approach to education is often advisable It is the duty of parents and teachers to make teens understand what life really is, by, for example, starting to give them responsibilities, so that they understand the need to know how to manage their lives; and that they themselves realize the difficulties that parents may face.

The most affluent parents will sometimes entrust their children with pocket money of an exact amount each month, insisting that they will not add any extra money to sacrifice to the wishes of the teenager; while elsewhere the less affluent parents will encourage teens to have income-generating activities, such as part-time work in various businesses in the area.

In addition, it is important to note the perverse effects of fashion that are much more felt in the girl. The fashion designer creates styles that are only views of the mind, a kind of abstract art. In general he does not always hope that these creations will be worn in everyday life but unfortunately, the personalities of the world of entertainment who are also artists, generally have the audacity to get dressed with garments defying any logical intendment, and that in many cases are closer to the obscene. In their desire to please and mark the spirits, or to create the buzz, the muses of the entertainment industry will stop at nothing.