Flashmag Digizine Edition Issue 72 August 2017 | Page 39


groups seems increasingly radical on the issues of marriage in Afro communities.

For the fear of breaking the ice tell yourself that, you are quite capable to approach new people.

Do not wait to feel a strong attraction towards a person before you start your act. There is a risk of entailing a frustration in case of rejection of the target. The situation can degenerate. In some cases, this can end up with harassment which results in blockage and bad press. The girls like to talk to each other, about guys who are courting them and that they reject, and worse because the friends of some are friends of the others, there is the risk that you can find yourself banned by a good number of chicks on the social network. The rule of supply and demand must influence you to start your act without focusing on your target. Tell yourself that, if it does not work there are thousands of other potential targets. One lost, 10 found must be your maxim.

Secondly, also say that some will be flattered for your interests on them, but keep a certain distances. By giving time to time, and above all, always say that whatever the reaction of the girl you always win while trying. One only misses the shots that one does not take.

From the first approaches avoid personal messages of the type "I find you charming" accompanied by a request to add ... You will most often fall on a wall.

Once a potential target has accepted you in her list of friends it will be necessary to work to the development of a dialogue and a connivance. To do this, it is advisable to go on her profile and leave some relevant comments that will not let appear a desire to seduce.

Go for example to look at her pictures and stop on a landscape (preferably a photo where she is in bikini, but where the background seems paradise). Share your amazement.

"Wahoo, Reunion, a turquoise water, green spaces as far as the eye can see, it had to be awesome!" This is simply inviting discussion, without really showing that in reality, her dream body does not leave you indifferent.

In the same perspective, do not hesitate to comment on blank statuses of any interaction, to make you noticed. A " pain on my feet, I hate these shoes! " Could then be followed by a" if you want I have clogs, but it is not very convenient for long shopping days! ". Be inventive, fun and do not forget to gently tease your target.

To go from virtual to reality, start by learning about the "events" to which your potential targets are taking part. Many of them are public and will inform you about the place and the time you will meet your target. Once the information is integrated, all you should do, is to contact the lady and ask her how to get there. If your contact is positive, you can even suggest a date there. You can also go without letting her know that you will be there, and surprise her with a first meeting outside the social network. This also has some charm.

If not after a good time of exchange and reflection, your target will doubtless need to know who you are in real. Play on this curiosity to anticipate a meeting always first in a public place that can finish towards an intimate place. A premiere of film, or a concert of your favorite artists are the ideal.

Seducing a girl on Facebook presents probably less difficulties, than addressing an unknown on the street for example. You do not risk much and the network count millions of potential targets. You will have to be imaginative and original to convert these contacts into relationships.

Source the web.

Flashmag August 2017 www.flashmag.net