Flashmag Digizine Edition Issue 67 March 2017 | Page 12


It is important to note that the paradigm of color and integration, as defined and experienced by the hundreds of millions of Africans around the world, is not multiculturalism, which is only a hidden sex , to the globalization of a pattern of thought, defined by the dominant force. A dominant force which in effect benefits by its armies, the greatest persuasive force that allows it to impose its rules in the management of the world affairs.

Respect for the integrity of the identity of the so-called black race is tolerated in the Western world, only when it is consistent with the black identity that was created by the founding fathers of the West. For only the identity resulting from slavery and colonization facilitates the perpetuation of the power of the Western egregore over the global black community. It becomes almost impossible to claim a genuinely African identity and to live without pitfalls in a white world. It is a reality that the reactionaries to the established unjust order, should understand. Despite these turpitudes, they have the heavy task of reinventing themselves a world that would respond to the philosophy of life that they know best.

An arduous but not impossible task especially when one does not make the mistake of thinking that technological progress, belongs to the white man, and should therefore be rejected in the redefinition of the Afro authentic paradigm. Technological progress belongs to humanity as whole, each contributing to it, in its own way, even if the discoveries of some are obscured, when one wishes to satisfy the domineering ego of a community whose communitarianism is so global that it has become the norm that gives it authority and invisibility. In 2017, when we take stock of the conquest of the pseudo-freedom of black peoples in civil rights movements across the Atlantic, in the wars for independence and the struggle against Apartheid in South Africa when one has the audacity, To look the truth in the face it’s easy to realizes that the apostles of the black struggle that have established themselves in the Western press have fought to turn black women and men, whites, in the present and in the future. For at the time, when the African languages are extinguished, at the moment when the ancestral memory is drying up and the black men and the so-called modern black women do absolutely everything that whites peoples do, in a design thought and defined by the white man.,now, only the color cqn tell the difference between black and white, in a white world. The past 100 years have made the world much more white in the black diaspora in the West, while in Africa the world remains black just because of underdevelopment, which is soon assigned to the definition of what Is Africa, wilderness and poverty, while African culture, which should not be confused with underdevelopment, is an endangered species, because some have also made it clear to Africans that development meant being discarded from their culture, they should beashamed of. And if the white man had seen everything wrong, where will this white world led us?

Hubert Marlin

Journalist Writer

"Respect for the integrity of the identity of the so-called black race is tolerated in the Western world only when it is consistent with the black identity that was created by the founding fathers of the West"