Flashmag Digizine Edition Issue 67 March 2017 | Page 11


from the community that was once forced into slavery. On the continent without conducting open warfare, the West has succeeded in capturing all the key sectors of the economies of the countries of Africa in the south of the Sahara. In view of the overall situation of the black man, there are reasons to believe that the future will be a white African diaspora and an Africa without Africans, when the different formatting policies have achieved their final objective.

"Assimilationist integration leaves no chance of survival to the future generations who should fight not be free of their choices but to enter a mold that would make them elected and accepted people"

Africans from all walk of life who often curiously claims Western formatting, which has produced scourges like slavery, colonialism, and neo-colonialism which is essentially based on the predation of mineral resources and the economic strangulation of African countries, Confirms their existence solely under the creation of their Western master.

The maxim of Victor Hugo, per which Africa exists only because the white man touched it, takes on its full meaning.

The western society is essentially capitalist, and some have understood that what makes them influential members of the global black community, is their ability to speculate to profit, and they necessarily speculate only on what is left to move forward in the " Assimilationist integration which leaves no chance of survival to the future generations who should fight not be free of their choices but to enter a mold that would make them elected and accepted people.

Cultural genocide in some countries such as the United States and Canada, which are the only countries to have had a black community that has put no form of resistance to oppression by creating as in the south of the Americas, languages Like Creole, the only thing that remains is the color that has no cultural connection anymore, but remains simply physical, and the only identity that the color assumes is linked to the rejection of the racialist society, which thus creates a group of peoples Who are forced to live in a certain way. Again, the creation of this avatar is the work of the dominant force that is the white establishment.

Respect for the non-white identity, integrity, and multiculturalism of the various peoples does not exist in the West. These are vain words which require the colored representation of certain races in a world tailored to the measure of the dominant force. Prior to terrorism, Islamic and Arabic culture was fought both in the West and in the East, but the Arab type formatted in the Western paradigm is tolerated but the hyper culturalized type has become a terrorist to be fought. And the refusal to improve retrograde customs of some, is liable not only in the bad faith of those who brazenly continued to practice them, but it became much more a symbol of defiance against the dominant force. Unfortunately, the victims are still the weakest, like the veiled women or the minors who are forcibly married.