Fix School Discipline Toolkit for Educators | Page 72

2. To search LEA reports, select the county and type the main name of the district you want 3. Click on the name of the report you would like to view, which will download a PDF document to your computer. 2. You want to collect real stories about who discipline impacts from current and/or former students, their families, and, if possible, teachers in your district. These stories will help to put a real face on how suspension and expulsion have negatively affected the district. Here are summaries of real stories that students and families have shared in hearings around the state on this issue or in meetings with key leaders: 1. A parent of an Oakland Unified high school student explained how racial bias and cultural insensitivity led to her son’s frequent office referrals and lots of missed class time: “My son is an African American boy in the tenth grade and he is 6’5” and about 250 pounds. He’s bigger than most of his teachers. When he disagrees with something one of his teachers says he says so. This might be scary for some of those teachers but he’s just speaking his mind and he gets sent to the office for defiance.” 2. A student in LAUSD talked about his in-school and out-of-school suspension history: “I was sent to the office a lot for talking to the person next to me, drawing, not doing my work alone, coming to class tardy and sometimes I was sent to the office for a more personal reason. The teacher would exaggerate about the cause of my referral. I was suspended 12 or 13 times for different reasons like coming to school or class late, having insufficient work incentive, and making fun of my teacher’s hair in class.” 70 How we can fix school discipline 3. Finally, as the school leaders in Vallejo City Unified School District did, it is important to organize the data and stories in a way that is clear and concise and helps to explain the issues that are present and also focus in on the potential solutions. Whether you collect the information in a fact sheet, report, or PowerPoint, having a very clear understanding of the baseline data will help ensure that everyone in the school community can track and analyze whether the alternatives put in place are working and where additional changes need to be made. Community organizations, like SUCCESS in Fresno, highlighted on the next page may also be reviewing data and requesting data from your school district to help understand why children are dropping out and why students with disabilities and students of color, in particular, are disproportionately dropping out, getting suspended, and being pushed into the juvenile justice system! As school leaders, you can work hand in hand with these organizations by sharing data with them, helping create mutual accountability systems, and developing district-wide solutions that take into account the concerns raised. As almost every one of the school leaders highlighted in this Toolkit will tell you, having strong community and parent support and engagement when making these reforms helps ensure that everyone stays focused, accountable, and provides support for making change that lasts any changes in school leadership.