Five Star Award Winner Kristin Gennetti 2017 | Page 3


Kristin Gennetti Realtor , ABR ®, SRS

41 Thompson Street • Winchester , MA 01890 Phone : 781-704-7040 kgennetti @ laerrealty . com • www . kristingennetti . com
Facebook . com / kgennetti # kristingennettirealtor
“ Kristin ’ s calm and confident personality put us completely at ease knowing she was taking care of every detail during the selling process .” — K . F .
“ Kristin is not only very knowledgeable in her field in real estate sales but she goes out of her way to make sure everything is done right and well .” — S . M .
“ We can confidently say that we could not have asked for a better person to guide us through the process .” — A . B .
Two-year winner Kristin Gennetti
I take great pride in providing every client with white glove service . For the second consecutive-year , I am humbled to be recognized by my clients to receive the Five Star Real Estate Agent award , a great honor and a testament to the power of hard work . I am genuinely committed to my clients , and I make it my mission to treat every client as if they are my only client . As a full-time Realtor , I dedicate myself to my clients , devoting the time , energy and accessibility that each client deserves .
It has been a year of big change and massive growth and professional development for me as a Realtor . It is incredibly gratifying for me , as the No . 2 agent in dollar-volume sold in Malden , 2016 ( MLSPIN ), to be able to help so many families in my hometown achieve their homebuying and selling goals and dreams . Giving back to the city that has offered me endless opportunities motivated me to begin my real estate career and sustains it still today .
My yearning to surround myself with the best agents and mentors in the business , coupled with my passion for continued learning , led me to join LAER Realty Partners . This new affiliation has already made me a better Realtor , and I am grateful to work with a firm that insists on excellence for its clients . Twelve years later , I love my craft more everyday . I make it my sincere promise to continue to elevate myself for the betterment of my clients and the industry .
Real Estate Agent Award Winner


© 2017 Five Star Professional
Award winner seen in