Fitzroy Learning Network Annual Report | Page 19


CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS LDAssurance Pty Ltd Level 6 , 250 Collins Street Melbourne Victoria 3000 PO Box 18184 Collins Street East 8003 TELEPHONE + 61 3 9655 3922 FACSIMILE + 61 3 9655 3910 www . ldassurance . com . au ACN 146 147 202
In our opinion the financials report of Fitzroy Learning Network Inc . has been prepared in accordance with Division 60 of the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Act 2012 including :
a ) giving a true and fair view of the Association ’ s financial position as at 30 June 2016 and of its financial performance and cash flows for the year ended on that date ; and
b ) complying with Australian Accounting Standards to the extent described in Notes 2 and 3 , and Division 60 of the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Regulation 2013 .
Emphasis of Matter – Going Concern
We draw attention to the following matter . As indicated in Note 2 ( b ) “ Going Concern ” to the financial statements , the financial report has been prepared on a going concern basis and is dependent on the Association ’ s continuing agreements for donations and Government funding .
Basis of accounting
Without modifying our opinion , we draw attention to Note 2 to the financial report , which describes the basis of accounting . The financial report has been prepared for distribution to members for the purpose of fulfilling the board ’ s financial reporting under the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 and the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Act 2012 . As a result , the financial report may not be suitable for another purpose .
LDAssurance Chartered Accountants
Stephen O ’ Kane Partner
250 Collins Street , Melbourne . 26 October 2016
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation .