Fitzroy Learning Network Annual Report | Page 7

What we do We place a priority on assisting people in the community who lack opportunities to access learning, working in ways which build links between them and other members of the community. In particular we assist: n  on-English speaking migrants, refugees and asylum seekers and any other people who want or N need to learn English and acquire basic literacy skills in English n  eople who are isolated and do not have the skills or opportunities to participate in social networks, P such as older people, the unemployed and people on low incomes n Students at risk of dropping out of school too early n People lacking opportunities to access new technology n People who need to develop new skills. Learning and Support Programs The services provided by the Network are premised on a process which respects, values and enhances people’s ability to have control of their lives. The Network actively encourages people to take advantage of their skills, experience and potential in meeting their needs and achieving their aspirations for a productive and happy life in the community. Key activities run in the Fitzroy Learning Network include: English as a Second Language classes Five classes, catering to students at different levels of competency, are run each day. Computer classes Classes on using computers and the internet are run several times a week for disadvantaged community members who require a little extra assistance. Sewing classes These classes provide both access to sewing equipment for disadvantaged community members and practice in English conversation. Job Club/Breaking Down Barriers Job Club is run each week to assist clients who have major employability issues including limited English, education and understanding of the employment process in Australia. Clients continue their English studies and are placed in work experience positions and volunteer roles and are supported by volunteer mentors. Fitzroy Lunch Club This program, offered once a week, provides meals and entertainment for older community members who may be socially isolated. Fitzroy Learning Network Annual Report 2011/12 Community Lunch Weekly healthy lunches are provided to bring together community members. Computer Clubhouse The Clubhouse provides a creative and safe after-school learning environment for young people aged 10 to 18 years from disadvantaged communities, who work with adult mentors to explore their own ideas, develop skills and build their confidence through the use of technology. Adult Study Support This program matches volunteer tutors with young adults who are studying school, vocational or higher education courses. Tutors provide educational and other support to those from refugee backgrounds. Community Networking Volunteer tutors work with clients who are unable to attend classes at the FLN building, and provide support with settlement issues. Refugee Support Program This program provides a drop-in service for asylum seekers, refugees and migrants. FLN support staff assist in any matters, large or small, that require immediate or long term action. Health and Wellbeing Program This program addresses the physical and emotional health issues faced by many women, specially we focus on women from refugee, asylum seeker or migrant backgrounds. Weekly classes of yoga and dance are held to encourage improved health and well-being through gentle and fun exercise. Volunteer Program FLN has 250 generous spirited volunteers who assist in every aspect of the organisation. 5