Fitzroy Learning Network Annual Report 2017 Annual Report v2 | Page 19

Volunteer Program

Over the year , we recruited 147 energetic , committed , passionate and creative volunteers to a variety of short and long term positions . Currently , our education , youth , refugee support and community engagement programs benefit from the involvement of 81 volunteers participating in a variety of roles including teaching , youth mentoring , social work and community development . Through our partner the National Bank of Australia , we also welcome each week corporate volunteers who support us in classrooms , food distribution , IT and preparing for each teaching term .
Our volunteers support adult learning in classrooms and in one -on-one settings , they mentor young people , and provide settlement support to community members in need through referral , advocacy and information sessions . Others are engaged in needs-based / ad-hoc activities such as working bees , event planning and delivery , and grant writing .
The skills , knowledge and expertise of our volunteers is a vital source of social capital that empowers and supports the community , as well as improving the way we do our work . We feel incredibly fortunate to collaborate with people with such a wide range of skills , knowledge and expertise .
These are some of the awesome skills and knowledge brought to FLN by our volunteers : -
Teaching , youth work , social work , community development , grant writing , immigration , marketing and communications , performing arts , event planning , project management , media , science , cultural studies , defence and strategic studies , hospitality , administration , research , primary education , retail , nursing , languages , psychology , business management , customer service , sport coaching , human resources , policy , finance , photography , music , information technology , philosophy , law , textiles , community art , fine arts , art education , art therapy , graphic design , creative writing & publishing , early childhood care and development , aged care , economics , politics , industrial relations , entrepreneurship , international development , engineering , land management , and architecture .
Our network of volunteers make an invaluable contribution to the programs that community members use on a daily basis . They are a strong catalyst for positive change in the community .
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to volunteer at FLN ... the warmth , smiles , and determination shown by the women in the citizenship class make it all worth while .
Accessing resources isn ' t always easy but with whatever we have at hand and the women are always grateful , enthusiastic and eager to further their learning .
Thank you to the women for continuing to pursue their dreams and fingers crossed that the test will be passed !!
Julianne McNally ( volunteer )