Fit to Print Volume 26 Issue 1 March 2017 | Page 31

C l o s i n g A r g u m e n t s

Literally , Now .

o y ' all remember a few months ago ?

DThat little thing you resolved to do around December 31st . Maybe it was even a series of things … New Year ' s Resolutwhat ?!? You know you all made one , and chances are it was fitness related . I can confidently say this because it ' s never as hard to find parking at the gym as it is in January . Truth . Now here we are in March . We are quite a few weeks from that New Year ' s resolution and how successful you all were is something I can ' t answer , but I do know that I ' m able to find parking at the gym with little trouble in March compared to January . Not judging , just noticing .

So here we are . Winter is coming to an end , and you aren ' t as far along with your goals as you swore yourself you would be in January , and someone just mentioned
Out on a limb : Bri
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. season 8 ) that you just have to binge on Netflix . Now , I will admit that Netflix binges are inevitable . Certain life events just call for a Netflix binge , but that ' s a by Andrea Kay
tale for another time , and there is no place for such tomfoolery in this article . Now is the time for action .
Literally , right now . I ' m sorry if you thought I meant sometime tomorrow or on Monday . I actually meant right now .
I ' m sorry if you thought I meant sometime tomorrow or on Monday . I actually meant right now .
I ' m going to ask you to start today . Unless you are reading this in the middle of the night , the gym is open . Call your funniest friend and ask them to meet you to walk on the treadmill . You ' ll be so distracted with laughter that before you know it , your time will be over and can check off day one of your ( don ' t call it a ) comeback . If the treadmill isn ' t your thing , try out one of the many new machines on the floor . If neither one of those interest you , and you are at a loss as to where to start , call and make a consultation with a
personal trainer . You get the idea . Being off goal isn ' t that big of a deal if you recognize that there is no better time to start than today . So I ' m keeping this simple . You ' re welcome . Just do something today that takes you one step closer to your goal , and then do something else tomorrow , or just do the same thing tomorrow , and then the next day , and make it a point to make it something fun and that you can look forward to doing the next day . Before you know it , it ' ll be Memorial Day , and you ’ ll be setting bigger goals and feel amazing about all you have accomplished by just not getting sucked into that Netflix binge back in March .
Andrea Kay is a longtime FI member , tri-Athlete , 50k runner and a frequent contributor to these pages .
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Spring 2017 FIT to Print