Fit to Print Volume 25 Issue 3 September 2016 | Page 3

Cor ’ s Corner

@ F I

Breakfast , Dawn and More ...

Cor ’ s Corner
Just about every day , someone asks me , “ What do you eat for breakfast ? What should I eat ?”
OK – it ' s time for the big reveal . But let ' s start by saying that this breakfast “ concoction ” as I call it , was derived over years of trial ( and error ) on myself . The ingredients I use evolved based upon their impact on my energy levels , strength , and endurance .
For those of you that know me well , I hardly need to point out that I am an extremely disciplined individual . I am able to eat this breakfast , or a variation of it , every day and enjoy it . If I know something is good for me , because I experience a positive physical reaction to it , then I will do it and learn to love it . And it will taste good to me . This is not necessarily the case for everyone , and it may not be possible for you . But I suggest giving it a try because I know how well it works for me . I ’ m in my 50 ' s now and I have never felt better . I firmly believe that my breakfast – along with my overall diet and consistent exercise – are responsible for that .
So here goes , and remember this is “ Cor ' s way ,” feel free to tweak accordingly . The first thing I have is water with lemon ; I never eat before my early morning workout , and that means 5 am for me . After my workout , I grab a green tea in the FI café and head home . I ' m usually very hungry when I get home , and so begins my concoction :
Ingredients 2 cups fresh organic blueberries , if not available I go for frozen organic , and if nothing else I ' ll have conventional ( not organic ) - this goes for all the berries 1 / 2 cup fresh blackberries 1 / 2 cup fresh raspberries 1 / 2 cup fresh strawberries
Yes , that ’ s a lot of berries ! And yes , I eat them all !
3 Tablespoons Kal Brand Brewers Yeast Flakes 2 Tablespoons Now brand Lecithin granules * 1 Tablespoon Cinnamon 2 Tablespoons Greens + Advanced Multi Super Food Greens *
Cor ’ s Concoction 2 Tablespoons Healthforce Superfoods Spirulina 2 Tablespoons Great Lakes Hydrolysate Collagen Powder 1 Teaspoon Fresh Grated Organic Ginger Root Note : * available at Incentives Organic Spa & Salon
Preparation : In a large bowl , mix dry ingredient ' s with a little water making a loose paste ( I know you must be gagging , but this *%#@ works !) Then add the berries and continue mixing until it looks like green slime ( see photo ). Yum ! Bet you can ' t wait ! Hey , I never said you would love it as I do , but it is effective .
It doesn ' t end there , maybe two hours later I have some protein , typically eggs , fish , chicken , shrimp or whatever protein I have on hand , with either an organic green veggie , roasted or steamed or a natural salsa , typically hot - I like spicy !
Around 11:30-12 I ' m ready for my lunch , and that ' s another future article , for now , let ' s digest this , if you can !
The New Hair Salon
If you ’ ve been on a summer hiatus from the gym , one of the first things you might notice when you come back is the newly renovated Hair Salon in Incentives Organic Spa & Salon . The term “ renovation ” hardly does it justice - it ’ s really a complete reboot . Everything , from the floor on up is new . The space is expanded to include more waiting room , better lighting and a more efficient layout . All of this , combined with the exceptional salon staff , make for a truly enjoyable salon experience . Stop in and take a look . We think you ’ ll like what you see . And you can ’ t beat the convenience .
What Light Through Yon Window Breaks ?
It ’ s Dawn , and yes , she ’ s back at FI ! Yep , that ’ s right , Dawn Moore has returned to Fitness Incentive , and “ Shakin ’ It ” is with her ! No one brings the booty quite like Dawn , and we are so very pleased to have her back , this fall , at FI .
The Fall Schedule
Speaking of Shakin ’ It , we ’ ve been shaking things up a bit on our fall schedule . We ’ ve spent hours reviewing every class and instructor with a mind towards improving what is already Long Island ’ s biggest - and we believe best - group exercise program . Despite our efforts , we hold no illusions - not everyone will be happy with the changes . As always , the schedule is a work in progress , and we look to take into account your preferences and needs , so please feel free to share your feedback with us . But we also ask that you give the new schedule a chance before pronouncing judgement upon it . It can be difficult at first to adjust to a new class format or instructor , but in the long run , you ’ ll benefit - and be fitter - from the variation . In any case , let us know what you think !
See You at the Gym !
Janet in the New Salon
Dawn Moore
Autumn 2016 FIT to Print