Fit to Print Volume 25 Issue 3 September 2016 | Page 24

Rise and Stretch... continued from page 9 waited so long! Please feel free to contact me if you need clarification or have any questions about these stretches and others. neutralize your pelvis and inhale, reach your arms overhead, interlace your fingers and turn your palms to the ceiling. Keep your spine neutral and shoulders down, and you reach palms toward ceiling extending through the elbows. Inhale, lift the chest and lift the ribs off the hips, extending the spine slightly beyond neutral. Exhale, and round slightly forward through the upper body. Option: Take gentle lateral (side bends) with the breath as well. The Long Body Stretch pelvis and spine back to neutral. Repeat with breath 3-5 times. * Variation: Reach arms overhead instead of at sides. 5.Lumbar Curl - (posterior (rear) pelvic tilt) - Starting as above, lying on back knees bent, feet flat, neutral spine, arms alongside the body. Exhale roll your hips back slightly, toward your ribs (pubic bone tilting toward you) feeling the lower back and waist pull toward the mattress (try not to grip your butt), maintain stability in head, neck, and shoulders. Inhale, return pelvis to neutral. Repeat 3-5 times. Bonus Stretches: Sleepy Dog- Once you are fully stretched and step out of bed. Stand on the side of the bed facing mattress. Bend your knees slightly sitting some weight back toward your heels and bring your hands to the side of the mattress in front of you. Take a few steps back until your elbows are fully extended. Keep knees slightly bent and straighten your spine bringing chest down until your trunk is parallel to the floor take deep breaths bringing your head and chest lower as flexibility allows. Inhale, lengthen the spine and press away from the bed. Exhale, relax...repeat 5-8 times. Bend and straighten elbows as needed. *Variation: Add a cat stretch here flexing (rounding) the spine on the exhale, lowering head between arms and lengthening the spine through the back arch (extension) on the inhale. Repeat 5- 8 times. Carefully support yourself up to stand and shake out your limbs! Seated Long Stretch - Once you are seated, hang your legs off the side of bed. Move forward toward the edge of the mattress, and if able to reach the floor with your feet place them flat on the floor. In this seated position, 24 Seated Twist The Simple Twist Seated Twist - Sit as above or crosslegged on your bed. Inhale, lift arms to shoulder height, exhale, twist your upper trunk to your right. Take your left hand across to your right thigh bending elbow to gently pull on the thigh to twist a little deeper. Place the right hand on the mattress behind you to help you lift your spine tall into the center. Try not to rock off either sitting bone keeping even weight in the hips. Inhale, lengthen, exhale, twist 3-5 breaths….return to center, repeat on left side. Sleepy Dog Spinal Flexion Remember, it is extremely important to be aware how you get off your bed. Be sure to roll onto one side and support yourself up to sit, and then hang your legs off the bed to find the floor with your feet. If you have an injury, chronic low back pain, etc. It is best to roll onto your side toward the side edge of your bed, coming to all fours to carefully step one foot off to the floor at a time while supporting your body with your hands on the bed. Once both feet are on the floor bend the knees, engage your abdominals, place your hands on your thighs supporting yourself to stand. Now you are ready to tackle your busy day!!!! Do yourself a favor