Fit to Print Volume 25 Issue 3 September 2016 | Page 13

MemberPerspective by Dolores Falco Maintenance Sucks Losing 100 Pounds Was Hard. This is Worse. M AINTENANCE SUCKS!!!! I thought losing the weight and reaching my 100-pound loss goal was hard - NOPE! Maintaining the 100-poind weight loss is so much harder. It is harder because you think you can relax and be able to eat things you normally wouldn't allow yourself, and you get comfortable, and the pounds start to creep up. It is harder because you allow yourself to think the hard work is done, and you don't have to work as hard, but you are wrong again. Maintenance is the hard part, and you need to work just as hard, if not harder, to maintain. Summertime can make maintenance even harder with all the parties, get-togethers, and the summer heat. This summer made it even harder with that 2-week long oppressive heat wave in July. All I wanted was ice cream. I would try to have another protein shake or some watermelon, but I wanted ice cream, so I would try funky fro-yo flavors, thinking I wouldn't want it and get it out of my system. But guess who really liked the funky flavors – ME. Coconut Siracha, Coconut Fudge, and Key Lime – very addicting. I didn't gain a lot, only five pounds or so, but still it is a backward slide. So now I am working even harder to take those five off and lose the rest of the weight I wanted to lose. Plus, since I am essentially still competing in the Fantastic Four contest – this is part II Maintenance, I really need to work that back slide off and I will. During the first half of the contest my team dominated the mini challenges, winning 3 out of 5 challenges. I took all of those challenges very seriously and gave everything I had to get them done. I had to accept defeat on the Monkey bars and rowing, but at least I finished in the top 5 for rowing. For the 2nd half of the contest, it's the Triathlon - a fiveminute row on the rowing machine, 2mile Campus loop on the stationary bikes and a one-mile run on the treadmill. I have had since June to complete this, and I am struggling. Anyone who knows me knows that I like to get things done right away, but this time I waited until the last minute. I did pretty well in the mini-contests during part 1, rowing 1196 meters in 5 minutes on the rowing machine and biking the two-mile Campus loop in just under seven minutes, but running one mile is another thing. I am not a runner to begin with, and I get freaked out a bit when trying to run on the treadmills. I find that the faster you try to go, the machines start to shake, and then I slow down. I know that the treadmill is not going to fall apart underneath me, but mentally it screws me up. It would be my luck to break a treadmill – LOL – but seriously it screws me up. I finally got it all 3 Dolores and Steven take on the Queenax done, probably not the best times submitted, but at least I know I did it, and I can do it. Team “Losing It” took third place fo