Fit to Print Volume 25 Issue 2 June 2016 | Page 12

M e m b e r Pe r s p e c t i v e by Christine Jelley A Funny Thing Happened... ...At the Gym. second joke. The class musters a small titter (funny word, “titter”) but the message is clear. You were funny the first time, but leave the standup routine at the door. Then the unthinkable happens – The Comedian, buoyed by the response, misreads its dampened-down affect and throws out another wisecrack. By laughing at the first genuinely funny comment, the group has inadvertently created a monster. Now the hapless teacher has Original Artwork by Christine Jelley E veryone’s been in a class where the teacher asks, “How are we doing?” Silence. She repeats, a little louder, “HOW ARE WE DOING?” One person finally squeaks out a quiet, “Woot.” Everyone chuckles. It’s cute. It’s funny. We want to support the teacher’s efforts and show our appreciation, but sometimes you feel loud and boorish so you stay quiet. Back in the riotous 80s, we all vigorously clapped at the end of each class. Somewhere along the line, the tradition started to fall by the wayside and was replaced by standard clapping, then two big claps, polite golf claps and finally to where it is today - little to nothing or surprise - actual enthusiastic feedback. Once in a while, there’s magic and something extraordinary happens. Mary K. taught a spin class a while back and played music that made us all inexplicably happy. She finished the class by jumping off her bike and dancing around the room to “Could It Be I’m Falling in Love” by The Spinners. We cheered! Maybe it was the right moment for the right demographic, but these moments happen. We didn’t learn, “When You’re Happy and You Know It Clap Your Hands” in kindergarten for nothing. Good work deserves applause. There is a danger in fun though. When a fellow gym-goer makes a funny remark, let’s say in yoga, everyone laughs. Residual tension dissipates; the world’s a better place. Unspoken protocol dictates that we then buckle down and start doing what we came here to do - breathe, twist, etc., but The Comedian has become emboldened. Here comes the 12 Now for a most delicate topic – the “accidental” funny. to firmly chime in with, “Okay, okay now. Let’s settle down” accompanied by elevated arms, palms down and an edgy up and down flapping motion, like a bird that realizes it’s flown into a supermarket. I like a laugh more than I dislike the abuse of humor, but if you are a multiple joke offender, this one is for you. One joke per customer, please. Now for a most delicate topic – the “accidental” funny. These are