Fit to Print Volume 25 Issue 1 March 2016 | Page 18

P e r s o n a l Tr a i n i n g by TJ and Amy Lynch, CPT T.R.A.I.N "I" is for Investment. This Train is Bound for Results Putting Her Back into Her Living: Amy Llinas Lynch O ur bodies are not meant to be lean and fit, especially in a world where there are thousands of unhealthy food choices paraded in our faces daily. Giving in to these unhealthy urges makes it much easier to accumulate unwanted body fat. Hence, the battle commences to conquer the body fat and transform into that Adonis or Goddess once and for all! Working out isn't enough to transform one's body into the likes of an Adonis or Goddess. Has your body composition remained the same year after year? If so, it is even more frustrating when you have been consistent with your time in the gym, and still to no avail you haven't even inched your way closer to your goal. If this sounds all too familiar, why not consider hiring an experienced trainer? Together, the two of you can formulate a strategy to get you on the proper track to reaching your specified goals. I began my career in the fitness industry in 2002. Since then, the fitness industry has been flooded with certified personal trainers. In my opinion, many of these trainers merely entertain their clients, while others instead train and teach their clients how to get the most out of their time in the gym. My wife, Amy, and I are called personal trainers by profession, but we think of ourselves more as teachers. We take pride in teaching each of our clients how to effectively train their bodies. Not only are we passionate about what we do, but we thrive on 18 should be willing to accept responsibility for their actions and take control. I personally feel that training without accountability is useless. teaching a "results driven approach" while guiding our clients. When someone hires us, our goal is to teach and guide them to a better understan ding of how the human body functions. We do this by explaining the importance of feeding your body quality whole food sources in conjunction with weight training. The result is to build lean muscle mass that will assist the body in effectively utilizing stored body fat for energy. It does not require starving yourself, nor does it require endless hours of catabolic cardio, and it definitely does not call for being in the gym for hours upon hours every day. It will, however, require a personal commitment, change of habits, and a positive mindset along with patience and trust within the entire process. Building your body takes time, and when you invest in your body (which is the only thing that you truly own in this life) every aspect of your health: mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally will begin to improve. "T" is for training. Training is teaching and encouraging someone how to work their muscles most effectively by executing the proper form, utilizing appropriate exercises and, most importantly, creating the correct structure. It is important to be able to communicate effectively so the client can learn, comprehend, and understand. We prefer implementing an approach that has been proven time and time again with research, information and instruction in basic anatomy. Training is and Investment in your health. You are taking action and investing your money, time and energy in return for the desired result. Purchasing a training program is a priceless investment because it is educational as well as beneficial to your long-term health and well-being. "N" is for Nutrition. Nutrition is the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth. A well balanced and timed diet is paramount in achieving desired and lasting results. While not everything may be best for everyone or every situation, one thing to keep in mind is that results are the biggest measure of success. As 2016 rolls on many people are beginning to veer away from their New Year's resolutions. Resolutions that were once full of promise and excitement have now begun turning into disappointment and excuse making. Motivation has left the building, so to speak, because the desired results failed to show up. Part of the reason we all need to be results driven is to counteract this natural loss of motivation. Our goal is to provide our clients with the tools and information needed to continue getting results. Results are what will keep you motivated! So ask yourself this: Are you training, or just spinning your wheels exercising? Do you have a good foundation and structured plan to follow when you enter the gym? Or are you just going through the motions at a low intensity? Do you spend a bunch of useless time on your cell phone in the morning instead of prepping your meals for the day? Do you now see the value in hiring a trainer who will guide you every step of the way? We're ready when you are! "R" is for Reinforcement. Reinforcing perfect form with each and every rep is crucial. We believe in correcting and perfecting a client's form so they get the most out of their sets. Reinforcing positive habits like upholding good posture will help keep the forces of gravity from pulling you down. "A" is for Accountability. A respected trainer holds their clients 100% accountable. This means a client is to be prompt at their training sessions as well as be held accountable for what goes into their bodies. Clients Spring 2016 FIT to Print TJ Lynch is a Certified Personal Trainer at Fitness Incentive. If you have questions or would like a complimentary consultation, email him at [email protected]