Fit to Print Volume 24 Issue 3 September 2015 | Page 28

P e r s o n a l Tr a i n i n g What role did your training partners, parents, and partner play in supporting your fitness goals? 9 Months In...9 Months Out For my first day back at the gym (after five weeks), I decided to keep it simple and did walking hill intervals. After finishing, I was surprised at how good I felt. It felt great to sweat again. Then I slowly worked my way back up to 3D FIT and other classes (6 weeks later) and ultimately back to small group training (7 weeks postpartum). My parents and boyfriend helped to let me get back to the gym by watching little Miss Madelyn. They made it easier to get out of the house and have some "me" time at the gym. How Being Fit Helped Me Get My Body Back Being fit helped me to have an easy pregnancy. I was already eating healthy, and I believe that's why I felt very little to no nausea throughout the entire journey. I also think being in shape and having muscle helped me to deliver more easily. I knew what muscles to call upon to get my little princess out quickly and safely. What changes, if any, did you make to your diet? I didn't make too many changes to my diet except for when I had cravings.. most of the time that was for mangos and fruit juice. By: Ashley Nissen (pictured above) Interviewed by her Trainer, Marianela Virella-Mielke, NSCA-CPT H ow long have you been training? Since December 2012. When did you discover you were expecting? I discovered I was pregnant at 22 weeks! During the first few months of pregnancy what was working out and training like for you? Did you notice any differences in your strength, balance or endurance? Working out wasn't any different for me at the beginning of my pregnancy, but as it progressed I had to lighten the weights and modify certain moves. During training you showed me the appropriate modifications to do so that I wouldn't put any unnecessary stress on my growing little girl. I was able to train almost to the end of my pregnancy. In what ways did being fit help or hamper your workout routine during pregnancy? 28 Did you need to be mindful of any medical issues? If so, please describe condition or symptoms and how it affected your workouts or training schedule when you reached five months. I have an autoimmune disorder called Evans Syndrome, and I had to be extremely mindful of that because it can lower my platelet count and put me at risk for bleeding. As a result, I had to stop weight training a few months before I was due. It was putting extra stress on my body, and my platelets kept fluctuating so my doctor and I decided it was best for me to take a break from the gym and stick to fast paced walking. How did training, weekly 3D FIT classes and sound nutrition help you get back into shape in a relatively short period of time? They all played a role. The healthier I ate, the better and stronger I felt. My goal was to get the baby weight off me as fast as I could because I felt uncomfortable. I wanted my body back. I set a one-year goal in my head to get the extra pounds off. Nine months later I took a selfie to place along with my nine months pregnant belly photo so I can note my "baby weight bye-bye." I think my progress doesn't look too shabby, but there's still room for improvement. A shley continues to train twice weekly in a small group training setting, takes 3D FIT, incorporates cardio and stretching in her fitness routine and eats a healthy, well-balanced diet. There must be something in the FI air that motivates her to look so good! What did you do to stay active during the last several months you were not officially "at the gym?" To stay active while I wasn't at the gym, I would walk 30-45 minutes a day. I also added prenatal yoga to stretch out my muscles and relieve any pain I had from carrying around the extra weight. A Fit Baby is Born: Madelyn was born Sunday, October 12, 2014, at 7:55 am. She was 6 lbs 8.5oz and 20.5 inches long. Labor was similar to my pregnancy, fast and somewhat smooth. First Day Back- how did you feel? Autumn 2015 FIT to Print Marianela Virella-Mielke is a Certified Personal Trainer and Group Exercise Instructor at Fitness Incentive