Fit to Print Volume 24 Issue 2 June 2015 | Page 27

Pilates & Pregnancy Breakthrough from page 22 continued from page 24 1. Mermaid bend to modified side plank (See fig 1 & 2) Come to sit on your right hip with your knees bent to your left. Grab a hold of your left ankle with your left hand. Inhale, reach your right arm overhead, exhale as you lean over to your left side. Hold for one full breath, lengthening and lifting through our ribs as you stretch over, engaging your abs. Come back to center and place your right palm on the floor to your right side. Press into your right palm as you lift off your right hip, coming onto your right shin. Straighten the left leg out pressing into the left foot. Reach your left arm overhead as you lift and lean over to the right. Draw your abs in and "shrink wrap" your waist energy. Slowly return to the start position and repeat 4 to 8 times. Repeat on other side. 2. Forearm plank (see fig 5) Come onto your hands and knees Lower yourself down to your elbows and forearms. You can line your wrists up with your elbows or interlace your fingers, either way, keep your elbows wide. Straighten one leg at a time pressing into the bottoms of your toes and ball of your feet until your body forms a straight line from head to feet. Keep your abdominals drawn in and lengthen your body from head to tail. Press into your forearms lifting energy off your armpits engaging your core and legs to keep body from dropping down of center. Do not let your hips drop below your ribs. Breathe deeply and hold the position for 5 to 10 seconds, eventually building up to 30 seconds. Rest down by sitting on your heels with knees open as needed. 3. Knee hover core control Come to knees and forearms with elbows shoulder-width apart. Bring your knees under your hips and extend your toes into the mat so you can press into the pads of the toes and balls of the feet. Inhale to prepare, exhale, tighten your abs as you press into the pads of your toes and balls of your feet, and lift both knees at the same time, floating them a few inches off the floor. Hold for 1 full breath while pressing into your forearms and squeezing abs tightly. Lower both knees at the same time. Repeat 4 to 8 times, resting back on your heels in between as needed. 4. Kneeling One Hundred (fig 3) Place a flat pillow or folded blanket under your knees with your knees hip distance apart ( you can also do these seated in a chair). Square your hips over your knees and your shoulders over your hips, collar bones open wide. Neutralize your spine engaging your abs as you lengthen your arms alongside your body, keeping shoulders back and down. Inhale through your nose for 5 counts as you pump your arms back. Exhale through your mouth for 5 counts contracting your abs as you continually pump your arms. Keep the body stable as you pump the arms with control. One set equals 10 pumps. Do 5 to 10 sets. 5. Pelvic Tilts Come to hands and knees. Place your wrists slightly forward of your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Neutralize your spine. Inhale as you arch your back lifting your tailbone and sitting bones up. Then exhale as you tuck your tailbone under and round your back. Draw your abs in and contract pelvic floor muscles. Repeat 8 to 10 times. Rest back to your heels as needed. 6. Clams (see fig 4) Lie on your right side with legs bent slightly in front of you. You can place a pillow or folded blanket under your head and another flat pillow or folded blanket under the side of your belly for support. Stack your knees and hips on top of each other and keep your spine straight and abdominals engaged. Your left hand can be on your belly or behind your head. Keep the insteps of your feet touching and lift your left knee off your right only as high as you can without moving your body. Do not roll back on your hips or let your feet come apart. Lower the leg back to the start position. Repeat 8 to 10 times. Switch sides. You can see all of these positions on our website: Dina Voigt is a certified Pilates, yoga & spin instruct